NetMeter_v114 Full - finally dethroned and second now behind the always close contender NetWorx. NetMeter's development seems to have stagnated sometime in August 2009. NetMeter is a simple beauty, graphically as well as in regards to
quality and usability. When NetMeter starts it stays on top of other windows awaiting your right mouse click in its window area. The first stop you want to make is the Option menu. You will notice that you have quite a load of features to choose from to make NetMeter measure what you want and present it to you as you want. Besides of the window properties (stay on top, show caption, snap to edges, transparency, etc.) you can also influence background, colors fonts and grid to fit your taste. Besides of the colored graph (shonwing upload, download and total as overlay bars) you can also display current and total DL/UL values as text. The second stop you want to make is the Totals submenu. The traffic that has been measured so far is presented to you broken down to daily, weekly and monthly statistics. This is a very nice feature if you want to double-check against you Internet provider's bill. Nicely done is NetMeters projection of your estimated future usage based on the traffic you caused so far. NetMeter deteced all 22 physical and logical network devices in my PC. This is amazingly good compared to a whole bunch of other tools not even detecting one. If you like you can only select your Bluetooth device and just measure how much traffic you use for sending ring tones to your mobile phone. The only odd thing I noticed was that the maximum value (can be optionally displayed as text) was always shown as 1.19 MiB/s. That is obviously wrong and also differs from 1.99 MiB/s which is the peak value in the Totals and Report display. I took it easy on the little guy and voted it first anyways.

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